Thursday, July 24, 2008

Poltically Lazy

Think on this for a few moments:

In the most recent issue of US Weekly Gossip Girl star Penn Badgley is quoted say, “I’m politically apathetic. We were raised in a time when we never had a leader who was a role model. Every president has gotten worse and worse”.

Well, ya spoiled, little shit, why do you think that is? I’ll tell you why. Because of people like you! I’ll be the first one to bitch about the state of our nation, but I still believe there is hope. Yes, I do strongly feel that America will one day fall from its position as world super power (every other empire has), but that doesn’t mean we don’t have to go down head first. But that is exactly what is going to happen if this apathy continues to spread throughout our youth. How will we ever get out of this rut if our youngest and (supposedly) brightest are not willing to put in the work to dig us out?

Now I’m a card carrying Democrat and a bleeding heart liberal, so of course I think that everyone should vote for Barack Obama. But frankly, I’d just be happy knowing that my generation is voting and not faffing about bitching when they can’t be bothered to try to fix the problem. It goes beyond apathy to shear laziness and in my opinion there is nothing more repulsive than laziness.

So get your shit together and vote!!

And don’t judge me for reading US Weekly! It’s my guilty pleasure.

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