Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Let's Pollute!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but America is the world leader in pollution, right?

Now, I am by no means an enviromentalist. I've been known to litter, I don't always recycle, I happily drive my mom's SUV and I take long showers. But after having a fairly heated discussion with my parents the other evening (who are card carrying Republicans) I have become much more aware of how ignorant Americans are when it comes to matters that concern the rest of the world. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and consider them to be two of the most intelligent people that I know, and really, I don't blame them because "when they own the information they can bend it all they want". Americans just aren't getting the same news the rest of the world is.

With this in mind, I was extremely appalled when I went to the grocery store yesterday and was given 3 (!) plastic bags for 7 items. Yes, I did say plastic when Joe check-out boy asked (Hey, I re-use the bags as garbage bags), but never did I imagine that Joe was going to go so overboard. Seriously, are plastic bags going out of style and I was just not informed?! I guess I've learned my lesson, it's paper only for me from here on out.

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