Tuesday, March 06, 2007

She Works Hard for the Money

After all the shit I have talked about America and Americans, I have somehow become a slave to coporate America without even batting an eye. I guess that is what happens when you are driven soley by the need for money. Grad school isn't going to pay for itself and if that means I have to pick up yet another part-time job, so be it. I'm not using this experience as a chance to make new friends and have the time of my life. I have plenty of great friends already and although I do want to enjoy myself over the next six months, the most important thing is saving money to get myself back to London. And more than that, to further my education because if I have learned anything in the past 48 hours it is that a bachelors degree does not guarantee your ability to make a Frappiccino.

Having said that, I do want to continue to learn from this experience; about myself and and America. I want to continue to make observations about what I see around me and share them with others who will hopefully find the same humor in my situation as I do. That of course is assuming that I will have the time; working 50+ hours a week may cut into my blogging time. So while you are enjoying sleeping in past 6am, think of me wearing my green apron and taking some poor saps e-mail. And while you are heading out for a night with friends, think of me folding and re-folding thirty stacks of boot leg jeans.

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