Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Anyone Looking for a Housewife?

Low and behold, I am slowly becoming accustomed to my life of leisure. My day starts around 8:30 or 9 when I work out in my parent's home gym, which is expanding tomorrow. After I hit the shower it's lunch with my mom and step-dad followed by an afternoon of running errands; picking up/dropping off the dry cleaning, grocery shopping, etc.

Today I changed it up by baking and frosting nearly four dozen Christmas cut-outs. Something I have adamantly boycotted in the past because that had always been my mom's job, and seeing as she is still alive and kicking I didn't feel the need to take over. But after just the right amount of guilt and bribery, I agreed to give it a shot. I'm not going to lie, they definitely aren't Mom's sugar cookies, but for my first try I think they are pretty damn good.

This certainly isn't a lifestyle I'd ever imagine myself carrying on with, but it is just enough to keep my mind off of things and to give me some self-worth. Or at least help me to feel like I'm earning my keep while I mooch off of my parents for the next couple of months.

I've always claimed that I don't have a domestic bone in my body; I guess I was wrong. Clearly, I'm more marketable as a wife than I thought. But shhhhh, don't tell anyone.

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