Saturday, December 30, 2006

Who Would've Thought that in America...

You could drink champagne (cos you can call it that here, even if it isn't from Champagne) while getting a pedicure? Certainly not me! So when my sister suggested that Jill and I stop by her beauty school for a little late engagement celebration what else could I say but heck yes?! Sure, I had to pay a ridiculous amount for two tiny bottles of champers and sure they didn't taste to go, but damn it, it was well worth it to have the experience. It was certainly no Dorcester or anything, but it was defintely as un-America as I've had since I've been back and I enjoyed every minute of it.

On a similar note, face masks on your feet, brilliant! Having your little sister give you a pedicure, even more brilliant! She wasn't around for the teasing and beatings as a child, so for me it was a nice little bit of poetic justice. Love her to bits for it because lord knows scrubbing my feet is no walk in the park.

My life as a lady of leisure continues...

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